Wooden Humidor Online: Season It Correctly to Safe the Cigars!

You will always want to protect your cigars, right! After all, you’ve put good money into them and their accessories. So, there is no doubt about the quality. But, if you want the cigars to be moist and ready for your next social gathering or special occasion, buy a wooden humidor online. But, to make it more effective, you have to follow some seasoning tips. Here you go!

wooden humidor online

Learn How to Season Your Wooden Humidor

If you are willing to use your newly bought wooden humidor, you must consider seasoning it. Let’s know how to do it!

Here you will get a couple of approaches to seasoning:

  •  First, a new sponge and distilled water, and lightly wipe the inside of the humidor. Sometimes, it can warp the inside of the humidor and make it not close properly. This topic is arguable because some manufacturers recommend this while others explicitly forbid it. In this case, you must check the instruction manual first because you will know about the specifications of the humidor you have bought. 
  • Fill a small bowl or dish with distilled water and put it inside your newly bought wooden humidor. Now, close the lid and wait for a couple of days. Then, open it after a few days and check the humidity level. If it has reached 65-70%, you can remove the bowl. Put the distilled water or propylene glycol solution in your humidification device and conclude this process by installing it in your humidor. Do not forget to keep an eye on your humidor for a couple of days to ensure it has leveled off around 70%. Therefore, you can begin storing your cigars in it.

Buy the Best Wooden Humidor Online

Contact The House of Lucky Cigar while looking for the best quality wooden humidor online. Their range of cigars and accessories will meet your specific smoking needs. Visit luckycigar.com to know more.


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