Wooden Humidor online: What Is It and How Does It Work?

Some things improve with age, such as red wines, fine cigars, and George Clooney. That red wine, however, will swill if stored upright in a warm, sunny room. And if your prized cigars are overexposed to heat, cold, humidity, or even overly-dry conditions, they will soon taste like ash. Cigars require precise temperature and moisture levels to keep them fresh for long-term storage. Without buying a wooden humidor online you won’t be able to keep them in the right humidity.

So let’s talk about proper cigar storage in the following lines that depend on having a great humidor.

wooden humidor online

Know What is a Wooden Humidor and How It Works

What is a Wooden Humidor?

A wooden humidor is a storage container designed to help maintain a relative humidity level, which is important for cigars because the tobacco leaves in them expand and contract naturally based on the relative humidity of the air around them. When a cigar becomes too dry, it shrivels up and loses its aroma and flavor, which are two important aspects of cigar smoking. When a cigar is exposed to extremely high humidity, it can cause mold, rot, and even a tobacco beetle infestation.

How do Wooden Humidors Work?

Humidors work by creating ideal conditions for cigars. Too much moisture and they’ll get moldy. Too dry, and they crack apart. Just right, and good times. At first look, a cigar humidor appears to be a simple box. It is made of wood, and the interior is frequently carved from beautiful Spanish cedar. A humidor, on the other hand, is much more than a simple box. Humidors, while primarily used for storage, are also used to store and maintain cigars. It could even become a valuable family heirloom.

Find a Wooden Humidor Online Here

Lucky Cigar is a reliable cigar shop that offers you a wooden humidor online. They make their products with high-quality materials. For more details, click on their website luckycigar.com and contact them.


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