
Showing posts from June, 2022

Wooden Humidor Online: Season It Correctly to Safe the Cigars!

You will always want to protect your cigars, right! After all, you’ve put good money into them and their accessories. So, there is no doubt about the quality. But, if you want the cigars to be moist and ready for your next social gathering or special occasion, buy a wooden humidor online . But, to make it more effective, you have to follow some seasoning tips. Here you go! Learn How to Season Your Wooden Humidor If you are willing to use your newly bought wooden humidor, you must consider seasoning it. Let’s know how to do it! Here you will get a couple of approaches to seasoning:  First, a new sponge and distilled water, and lightly wipe the inside of the humidor. Sometimes, it can warp the inside of the humidor and make it not close properly. This topic is arguable because some manufacturers recommend this while others explicitly forbid it. In this case, you must check the instruction manual first because you will know about the specifications of the humidor you have bought.    Fill

What to Keep in Mind before Buying a Humidor Online?

Most cigar lovers wish to buy humidors to protect their desired expensive cigars for the occasion. Otherwise, the temperature, external weather, and other elements can snatch the moisture. Therefore, you must buy a top-quality humidor online. But before buying a humidor online , you have to keep several things in mind. Lets’ know what those are! What to Consider while Buying a Humidor Online? This article will help you explore the essential facts to choose the best humidor online. Here you go! The Reputation of the Store Do you know what should get checked while visiting a website? Its reputation! The first glance at the website will tell you how active they are in serving the customers. So, check their reputation and background first. Types of Humidors Available As a cigar lover, you must know how many types of humidors there are on the market. So, make sure the website you visit offers the most of the types. Therefore, you can determine if they are ideal for contact. Range of Other A